Five Fun Ways to Teach Kids About Energy Efficiency
- Written by Amy Opheim
- April 10, 2024

Energy efficiency isn’t just for grownups! Today’s kids are fully immersed in environmentalism and the importance of protecting our Earth and its precious resources. This Earth Day, Month, and all year long, share the interactive, kid-friendly resources below with your customers and kids and help them understand the importance of being an efficient energy user:
Make the Most of Screen Time
Kids ages 4 to 8 can design wind turbines to power the fictitious city of Fidgitville and help keep the town’s air and water clean, with Fidget Power, an interactive, online game from PBS Kids. Older kids can test their science, sustainability, and energy knowledge anytime, anywhere, with Crunch Time 2.0, an interactive quiz game, complete with badges and bonuses, for kids ages 8 to 12. Players can also battle other energy buddies from around the world in a real-time, multi-player game every day at 4 p.m. New Zealand time.
Family Game Night Goes Green
There are dozens of energy-themed board games available at mass market retailers, including Amazon and Target. Choose PowerHaus, a family game about power conservation for ages 7+; Future Energy, a race to become the Energy King of Europe for ages 8+; Power Grid Recharged, a classic economic strategy game for ages 13+; and Power Failure, a strategy card game about power plants and energy generation for ages 14+.
Like and Share
Social media is full of bite-sized bits perfect for teaching kids about various energy sources. Check out content from energy efficient social media stars like these wind turbine TikToks from @scienceinahurry and @jarredrose, and this simple explanation of solar power from @kidssciencexperiments.
Videos Are the Way to Go
YouTube is full of kid-targeted videos explaining everything from renewable energy and non-renewable resources to solar energy, wind energy, saving energy at home, and lots of green energy craft ideas.
Eco-Friendly Fun with Printable Power
Find energy emoji sudokus, geothermal and greenhouse gas word searches, and more for kids ages 8+ at the U.S. Energy Information Administration website. Artsy environmentalists-in-the-making will love coloring and doodling on these printable energy source doodling pages from Classroom Doodles, also for ages 8 to 12.
This year, up your Earth Day game by putting a special focus on energy efficiency and including educational activities for kids that just feel like fun!