Study, evaluate, measure, and verify your energy portfolio.
We deliver custom evaluation, measurement and verification, and market research services for a full range of energy efficiency programs and distributed energy resources.

Efficient energy assessments using optimal methods and widely accepted approaches.
Our team provides comprehensive EM&V services in all economic sectors, including all aspects of impact, process, cost-effectiveness, and emissions and market effects evaluations.
What makes us different?
We're an industry leader in customer engagement, market characterization, and program evaluation, including behavioral, pilot, and midstream.
Accurate, actionable, and defensible EM&V results
Economically optimized evaluations using the most applicable and industry accepted methodologies.

Our in-house Survey Research Lab
A one-stop, full set of services, including data collection through surveys and in-depth interviews.

Thoughtful and scientifically-based market research
Our research is supported by 20 years in the DSM cycle of planning, implementation, and evaluation.

Research and Measurement by the numbers.
We have the people, passion, and scale to lead the energy transition.
Assess and achieve future energy opportunities.
We help you address market, regulatory, and business challenges of planning and delivering DSM programs, with a focus on cost-effective approaches that promote increased customer satisfaction.

Make energy efficiency program decisions with confidence.
Our team of economists, statisticians, and data scientists provide you with clear, data-driven, defensible results and practical recommendations that hold up to regulatory review.

Plan for a cleaner, more resilient grid.
Our system engineers can help you estimate the cost-effectiveness of T&D infrastructure investments, assess EV and DER impacts, and build reliability and resiliency into your future plans.

Put our energy expertise to work.
See how Resource Innovations can help you navigate the clean energy transition, meet your decarbonization goals, and deliver successful outcomes at scale.