Grab your customer's attention with limited-time offers.
Flash sales create urgency and move products. With more limited-time offer promotions than anyone else in the energy efficiency space, we know how to make your customers respond quickly, purchase, and feel happy while doing it.

Move thousands of efficiency products within days.
Sell efficiency products fast with targeted, data-driven offers and real-time insights that boost customer satisfaction.
Speedy execution
We launch limited-time offers that supercharge program delivery in less than a month.

A better pulse on what your customers think
Get real-time customer insights from our marketing pros to boost satisfaction and drive lead generation.

Reliability—backed by data
Achieve reliable, rapid sales with an average 20% conversion rate on limited-time offers.

Targeted customer engagement
Effectively reach and engage key stakeholders, including income-qualified, multifamily, and small business customers, through a targeted e-commerce strategy that drives results.

Boost sales for all your products
From LEDs to heat pump water heaters, limited-time offers are ideal for promoting energy products of all price ranges.

How a Limited-Time Offer Boosted Home EV Charger Sales
Seeking additional e-commerce DSM offerings?
Nationwide, our e-commerce and targeted initiatives experts surpass program goals, foster trust with customers, and tailor strategies to your needs.
Put our energy expertise to work.
See how Resource Innovations can help you navigate the clean energy transition, meet your decarbonization goals, and deliver successful outcomes at scale.